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新春 New Spring

2018-12-17 作者:冰虹 | 来源:中诗网 | 阅读:
一                                  Party one
天空捧着虹的滚烫  扣开了春           Sky raising the boilinghot rainbow openging spring
万物温暖 轻柔辉煌                    All creatures warmth ethereal and resplendence
火鸟乘着一片红云                     Firebird taking a redcloud
跳欢快的舞 和着拔节的脆响            Happyly dance with crunchy of bongh hoh
唱碧绿的歌  蓊郁的芳草恣意飞扬       Sing the green song , lush herds flying waywardly
二                               Part two
轻轻推开新春的门                         Thrust the new spring door gently
闪烁的虹醉意的祝福                       Blinking the blessing of rainbow with feeling of druk
带来水声  月光  迷人的青藤      Bring droping sound moonshine and charming sinomenium acutum
虹羽擦燃的春的鸟鸣                    Raibow wing burst the twitter of the spring
三                                Part Three
请你一定喝了                      Please drink this cup of clear and mellow wine
这杯清醇                           that tchin to you
银白柔润的新春之吻                 The new spring kiss with white and soft
煽动无数甜梦                       to fan the flame with innumerable sweet dreams
爱在辽阔的春                 Sincere love in the vast expense of spring
保留冰雪的颜色玉质的心             to keep icesnow coluor and jade heart
四                                   Part Four
新春的虹园                            Soft rainbow play in discus chords
虹的轻柔弹在七彩弦上                  in the rainbow garden of new spring
温柔的水波 鲜嫩芬芳的花朵             Mildy ripple freshness fragrant flowers
深潭的黑眼睛 全为你亮着              
亲爱的友 请你在虹荫中轻轻和歌
五                            Part Five
在虹园                           In the rainbow garden
一片金黄的光  花开无数           full of yellow goldenshine and bloom flowers
诗仙的清凉    万丈飞瀑           and fresh cool of poetic genius and meters waterfall
火红的小狐  踩一片浪漫月色     A red little foxes tread out a path on the romantic moonshine
在夜的身躯上清香水流相绕       A delicate smell of stream twining round night body
六                                Part Six
与你共饮                        Drinking together with you
静悬的明月  银红的夜            the bright moon hanging quietly in the silver red night
醉成天风的氤氲                  drunk as the dense of wind giddiness in the cloud
与你共啜                        Sipping together with you
黛色的静  直到郁郁的花燃着      black quiet untill the elegance flowers burning
醉为夜露的童心                  drunking innocence of night dew
与你共浴                         Showering together with you
鲜洌的海潮  温柔的淡蓝良宵       in the fresh tide loving light blue nice night
醉成飞流的雪                     drunk as waterfall snow