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传播经典 |王维 九月九日忆山东兄弟 | 刘军平、裘小龙、张智中 译| 第12期

2023-11-23 17:18:53 作者: | 来源: | 阅读:


Thinking of My Brothers on the Double
Ninth Festival in the East of Mount Hua
Wang Wei
Translated by Liu Junping

A stranger in the strange land I'm a guest,
My yearning doubles on this festival for my dearest.
As brothers up the mountain pick the dogwood,
I wish I be with the gala① crowd would.

①gala n. 盛会

Thinking of My Brothers in Shandong
on the Double Sun Festival
Wang Wei (700-761)
Translated by Qiu Xiaolong

A lone visitor in another land,
far, far away from home,
with the advent of each festival,
I cannot help missing the people
so dear and close to me—
.At this moment, my brothers,
all of them, must be climbing high,
planting dogwoods, only
to find one man missing
—no other than me.

* The festival comes on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar, It was then a popular custom that people celebrated the festival by climbing high and planting dogwoods.

Missing My Brothers on Height-Climbing Day
Wang Wei
Translated by Zhang Zhizhong

Alone, a lonely stranger in a strange
land, on this Height-Climbing Day
I doubly miss my kinsfolk.
My mental picture: the cornel wearers
at the height of the mountain
are my brothers,
with me missing


裘小龙,广西大学君武学者特聘教授。出生于上海,在国内发表中文诗歌、译著和评论,后获福特基金会资助赴美,获圣路易斯华盛顿大学比较文学博士学位。著有 11部获奖小说“陈探长”系列,出版短篇小说集、诗歌、译诗;所著(译)书籍销量达几百万册,译为 20 余种语言;“陈探长” 系列侦探小说还改编为 BBC 广播剧。目前居于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市。
