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作者:  来源:  责编:周占林  日期:11-09-15 10:36:01  点击:

y gave us was an anthology in both Chinese and English. Many of the poets gathered had work in that book so they read from it in Chinese as we followed the English translations.   From the moment we walked in, there were smiles, exchanges of cards, gifts, and words. They gave us several books and boxes of Tibetan incense. We brought them books as well. The group, as you can see from the photograph above, was mixed via gender. Also, they were from various parts of China.   We began going around the table reading poems and Bei Ta, the leader of the group, gave summary translations. (The names from the photo are at the bottom of this essay) I read the poet “On Langston Hughes’ ‘Theme for English B’” which is on the poetry section of this site. I also read “If Bending Is A Sacred Act.” After each poet read, we toasted one another. Following the poems, one of the Chinese poets asked us about the social mission of the poet. We had a good discussion of this, led by Ethelbert. We also discussed the audience for poetry in our different countries and the recent growth, among younger people, of interest in poetry.   It was almost overwhelming to me-- the generosity, the interest, the passion evident all through the gathering. I had a profound sense of the world’s size-- its complexity and its beauty. As they read their poems and I looked at pages in English and Chinese, I was struck by the feeling that the world is vastly richer and wider than I know. This builds my hope.
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